Books by Year Read


The Strangest Man

The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius
Graham Farmelo 2009

Beautiful account

Hello World

How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine
Hannah Fry 2018

Very light…

Artificial Intelligence

A Guide for Thinking Humans
Melanie Mitchell 2019

Just right

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

Evolution and the Meanings of Life
Daniel Dennett 1995

A monumental book. Very dense, very challenging, but really worth the effort.

The Man Who Changed Everything

The Life of James Clerk Maxwell
Basil Mahon 2003

Dry and factual Biography of one of the greatest minds of 19th century.

How to Count to Infinity

Marcus Du Sautoy 2017

Tiny fun book to read while waiting for lunch to be ready, in one go.

The Future of the Mind

The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Empower the Mind
Michio Kaku 2014

Remarkable yes, great not sure. Let us say interesting…

The First Three Minutes

A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe - Updated Edition 1993
Steven Weinberg 1977

Seminal book. Seemingly comfortable book to read, it was instead very challenging and to the limit of my understanding given the implied maths knowledge

The Physics of Star Trek

with a foreword by Stephen Hawking
Lawrence Krauss 1996

When it all fits together… pt. 2


The power of flexible thinking
Leonard Mlodinow 2019

When I read it Early august 2021 (still going at the time of writing).

Fermat’s Last Theorem

The story of a riddle that confounded the world's greatest minds for 358 years
Simon Singh 2011

Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratos, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nom...

The Brain

The story of you
David Eagleman 2016

We think color as a fundamental quality of the world around us. But in the outside world, color does not actually exists.

Infinite Powers

The story of Calculus, the language of the Universe
Steven Strogatz 2019

I wonder why I am knowing about this stuff only now!

The Selfish Gene

40th Anniversary Edition (2016)
Richard Dawkins 1976

When I read it I chose not to read this book all at once, but instead looking at specific things at specific times. It was between 2019-21.

The Geek Leaders Handbook

Essential Leadership Insight for People with Technical Backgrounds
Paul Glen 2014

Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Adventures of a Curious Character
Richard P. Feynman 1985

When I read it June 2021. Part and first of the biographies I intended to read. Is this really a biography?

Just for Fun

The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
Linus Torvalds 2001

Physics and Philosophy

The Revolution in Modern Science
Werner Heisenberg 1958

The Art of Statistics

How to Learn from Data
David Spiegelhalter 2019


Sharon Kay Penman 2011


Carl Sagan 1980


A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin A. Abbott 1884

Templar Silks

William Marshal
Elizabeth Chadwick 2018

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Young Bloods

Simon Scarrow 2006


Giordano Bruno,
S.J. Parris 2010

Clash of Empires

Clash of Empires
Ben Kane 2018


Kate Atkinson 2018

I, Woz

Steve Wozniak 2006

Wolf Hall

Hilary Mantel 2009

The Darkening Age

The Christian Destruction of the Classical World
Catherine Nixey 2017

The Sentence is Death

Hawthorne and Horowitz Mystery,
Anthony Horowitz 2018


The Arthurian Tales,
Giles Kristian 2018


Robert Peston 2017

The Universe in Your Hand

A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond
Christophe Galfard 2015

The Lost Island

Gideon Crew
Douglas Preston 2014

The Liberation

Kate Furnivall 2016

Talking to My Daughter

A Brief History of Capitalism
Yanis Varoufakis 2013

Steve Jobs

Walter Isaacson 2011


Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2017


Robert Harris 2017


Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2013

Il giuramento

Il mio nome è Nessuno,
Valerio Massimo Manfredi 2012

I See You

Clare Mackintosh 2017

Head of State

The Bestselling Brexit Thriller
Andrew Marr 2014


C.C. Humphreys 2016

Crusader Gold

Jack Howard Series Book 2
David Gibbins 2006


Robert Harris 2016

Angels & Demons

Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2000

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Ryk Brown 2016

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Robert Harris 2016

Ready Player One

Ready Player One,
Ernest Cline 2011


Robert Harris 2015

The Red House

Mark Haddon 2012

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The Strain

The Strain Trilogy,
Guillermo del Toro 2009

The Winter King

The Warlord Chronicles
Bernard Cornwell 1995

The Da Vinci Code

Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2003

Lultima legione

Valerio Massimo Manfredi 2002


Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2013


John Lanchester 2012

Angels & Demons

Robert Langdon,
Dan Brown 2000


George Orwell 1949

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Queens Gambit

Elizabeth Fremantle 2012

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Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn 2012

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