Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Carlo Rovelli 2015

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics cover
Cover of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Nice little book for a quiet evening

When I read it

Received it as a present for my 46th birthday and started reading it on a Bank holiday monday, all in one go.

Why I picked it up

I am interested in Rovelli’s work, maybe more curious than interested and I was keen to see how he would expose certain topics.

Interesting bits

In general

I like the approach. Good way to try and explaing certain things to dumb audience like myself. It mostly served as a review and check point for me on the topics (particles, quanta etc..) he briefly exposes, now that I am trying to make sense of 20th century physics in general.


Inspiration & Next

I already had Rovelli’s book on time and to him I have chosen him for the task to explain it to me.