Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

Evolution and the Meanings of Life
Daniel Dennett 1995

Darwin's Dangerous Idea cover
Cover of Darwin's Dangerous Idea

A monumental book. Very dense, very challenging, but really worth the effort.

When I read it

Summer break in Italy 2021. Started on the flight out, could not put it down.

Why I picked it up

Time to get educated on the subject of evolution by natural selection, its inner workings and its philosophcal implications.

Interesting bits

Not intelligent design

Small mechanical, accidental, algorithmic changes give the appearance of intelligent and/or teleological design. Design = chance + necessity

Cranes and Skyhooks

Tree of Life

Conway’s Game of Life

As a simulation of evolution bound by just a couple of rules.

Leibniz’s best of all possible worlds and the process of natural selection

Genetic evolution vs cultural evolution in Homo Sapiens

The changes in human evolution through very little time (in evolutionary terms) are due to cultural evolution rather than genetic one (that needs much more time)

Dawkins’s memes

As counterpart of the genes in cultural evolution of humans. Def: a unit of cultural transmission or a unit of “imitation”

Dennett’s take on Penrose’s “The Emperor’s Mind

Mind as a pure algorithmic process. On AI


Inspiration & Next

Dawkins’s “The Blind Watchmaker” is a natural follow up (maybe should have read before this - anyway, bumped up in TBR list). Dennet seems to pontificate and higly admire Dawkins.

Other titles referenced in the book and TBR’ed:

Prisoner’s Dilemma: John Von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb - William Poundstone

The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge - William Poundstone

Dennett’s book on consciousness (Consciousness Explained).

Dennett is one of my new heroes.

AI and Mind